Package-level declarations


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Represents the usage of an annotation that is applied to a given usage site.

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interface Classpath

Represents a set of classes that are available at runtime.

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interface ClassReference

Represents a class definition.

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Represents a declared constructor for a particular class.

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data class ConstructorSignature(val descriptor: String) : Signature
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Represents a declared field for a particular class.

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data class FieldSignature(val memberName: String, val descriptor: String) : Signature
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interface MemberReference

Represents a declared member (ie: constructor, field, or method) for a particular class.

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Represents a declared method for a particular class.

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data class MethodSignature(val memberName: String, val descriptor: String) : Signature
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A modifier keyword that may be applied to a class, member, or parameter.

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Represents a set of classes that are available at runtime.

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Represents a class definition.

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Represents a declared constructor for a particular class.

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Represents a declared field for a particular class.

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Represents a declared member (ie: constructor, field, or method) for a particular class.

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Represents a declared method for a particular class.

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Represents an argument that is part of a method or constructor signature.

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data class NewParameter(val name: String, val type: MutableClassReference, val annotations: List<AnnotationInstance> = emptyList())

Represents the configuration for a new MutableParameter being added to a method or constructor.

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interface Parameter

Represents an argument that is part of a method or constructor signature.

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sealed interface Signature